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  • April 12, 2021 8:41 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    A new Soil & Groundwater Protocol was presented to the Regional Planning and Economic Development Committee on April 6, 2021.  The committee had no comments regarding the Protocol.

    The Protocol includes updates to make it consistent with updated O.Reg. 153/04, and other improvements to streamline and simplify the process.

    Highlights of the updates include:

    • Remediation of the sites containing various exceedances, such as road salt, would be exempt from the requirement for an RSC; 
    • The Region's Reliance Letter has been upgraded;
    • Improvements to the Use of the Non-Potable Groundwater Standard - extends the conditional period to one year from 15 days;
    • Site Screening Questionnaire (SSQ) - for minor development proposals, this can now be completed by an Authorized Officer/Owner instead of a QP;
    • SSQ was simplified from 18 to 8 questions;
    • Below grade work can now start before an RSC and/or RA has been filed.  The flexibility allows for the scenario where the timing of the RSC process can be difficult to coordinate with the normal aspects of development work;
    • ESA reports - flexibility to allow for some deviations from O.Reg. 153/04 regulatory requirements, giving flexibility to the Peer Review Process;
    • Peer Review Process streamlining - greater emphasis on direct communication between the QP and the Region Peer Reviewer.

    The presentation is expected to be brought to Regional Council on April 26, 2021.

    The presentation can be viewed here.

  • April 07, 2021 4:33 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Based on the Premier’s announcement today, there are no new restrictions on construction. Jobsites are permitted to continue operating, with heightened enforcement of public health guidelines. As per the today’s announcement, the following businesses can remain open and operating including,


    Construction activities or projects and related supporting services, including demolition and land surveying, are allowed.

    Supply chain

    Businesses allowed to open if they supply essential:

    • support
    • products
    • supplies
    • systems
    • services, including processing, packaging, warehousing, distribution, delivery and maintenance

    Real estate (including pre-sale construction)

    No open houses – showing a property permitted by appointment only.


    Maintenance, repair and property management services that manage and maintain the safety, security, sanitation and operation of institutional, commercial, industrial and residential properties and buildings are allowed.


    It is absolutely critical that members continue to invest in and enhance health, safety and sanitation protocols as new COVID variants are more contagious and require more vigilance on jobsites. The Ministry of Labour will be enhancing education, outreach and enforcement of COVID-19 safety requirements on construction sites.  Members should review the Ministry of Labour’s guidelines for construction here and implement any infection prevention and control procedures not already in place. Also, please consult other supporting resources including OHBA’s COVID webpage, template COVID workplace health and safety plans (which all workplaces must have) and IHSA resources.

    OHBA will continue to monitor the situation and communicate pertinent information and updates out to members. We all want safe jobsites, we need to keep each other safe. Please reach out if you have any questions.

  • April 07, 2021 4:07 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Durham Workforce Authority (DWA), in collaboration with the Social Research Centre (SRC) at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (Ontario Tech), is conducting research on business trends in Durham Region. The DWA is funded through the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development (LTSD) and aims to improve the availability of local labour market information in Durham Region.

    The DWA and SRC, with significant input from community partners, have worked collaboratively to create a survey designed to provide significant information on employers in Durham Region. The Employer Survey will be utilized to fill significant gaps in labour market information and better understand the skills and needs of the businesses in Durham Region.  The surveys probe employer respondents on topics such as attraction and retention of employees, skill sets required, industry outlook and the business climate in Durham Region.  Analysis of this data will be used to augment data collected from the previous Workforce Report and create a fulsome picture of the supply and demand of the labour force in Durham Region.  

    Your contribution to this process is extremely important and highly valued. The surveys are anonymous and survey results are kept confidential.  The surveys take approximately 15 minutes to complete.  Please find the link to the survey below.


    Should you have any questions or concerns please contact Matthew Stein, Director of the Social Research Centre at matthew.stein@ontariotechu.ca.  This study has been approved by the Ontario Tech Research Ethics Board (REB # 16926) on February 11, 2021.

  • April 07, 2021 10:23 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    On Wednesday, April 14 from 10 a.m. - 11 a.m., OHBA will be hosting its first #homebeliever session with special guest Mike Moffatt, senior director of policy and innovation from the Smart Prosperity Institute, to discuss his ongoing series, Ontarians on the Move, 2021 Edition. #1 -The Big Picture | by Mike Moffatt | Feb, 2021 | Medium.

    Mike has taken a date-driven approach and focuses on the impact of population growth and migration on Ontario's housing market.

    If we want to talk about housing affordability for #homebelievers, we can't ignore the elephant in the room, that Ontario continues to be a destination for people and that means we need to continue to plan new communities and build more homes.

    At this time, municipal and regional governments across Ontario are making their plans for the future of housing in their communities, and Mike's data and analysis should help inform those decisions.

    OHBA welcomes all members, municipal and regional representatives and elected officials to join OHBA for this important webinar.  

    Register here.

  • April 07, 2021 10:03 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Region of Durham is currently in the process of updating their Planning fee schedule.  

    Their fee review process is now complete, and the new proposed fees can be viewed here.

    The current fee bylaw came into effect on July 1, 2018 and the new fees are expected to come into effect on July 1, 2021.

    The Region of Durham will be accepting feedback on the new rates up until April 21, 2021.  If you have any questions or comments, please email Stacey.

    The new fee bylaw has not been scheduled to be brought before council yet, but will be on either May 4 or June 1.

  • April 07, 2021 8:12 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Clarington council has directed staff to seek input from the public on a Draft Official Plan Amendment (OPA) that would delete policy 13.3.12 and Section 17.3 Special Study Area 2 - Greenbelt Expansion from Clarington's current Official Plan.

    The policies that are subject of deletion in the Draft OPA are quoted below:

    13.3.12 The Municipality supports the expansion of the Greenbelt Plan Area to provide long-term protection of prime agricultural land.

    17.3 Special Study Area 2 - Greenbelt Expansion

    17.3.1 Special Study Area 2 is all of the lands east of Highway 418 south an east of the Greenbelt boundary, north of Highway 401 and outside of the urban area boundaries in Clarington.

    17.3.2 In May 2015, Clarington council requested that the province undertake an appropriate science-based study of agricultural capability to identify high-yielding agricultural lands to be added to the Greenbelt for permanent protection.

    17.3.3 The draft Greenbelt Plan (2016) identifies that the Government of Ontario will lead a process to identify potential areas to be added to the Protected Countryside of the Greenbelt.  The province will work with municipalities and others using a systems approach considering the connections with the Agricultural, Natural Heritage and Water Resource systems of the plan.  Where it is determined that identified areas would benefit from Greenbelt protection, the province may initiate amendments to the Greenbelt Plan.

    17.3.4 Special Study Area 2 identifies the lands which the Municipality considers appropriate as an area for the future Greenbelt expansion study.

    The Draft Official Plan Amendment and additional information is available for review at www.clarington.net/SpecialStudyArea2.

    Statutory Public Meeting Details

    In line with current COVID-19 guidelines, the meeting will take place electronically.  Visit www.clarington.net/Calendar to watch the meeting online or to listen by phone.

    Date: Monday, April 26, 2021

    Time: 7:00 p.m.

    To speak at the public meeting, please pre-register for additional instructions.

    Pre-register by completing the online form at www.clarington.net/Delegations or contact the Clerk's Division at 905-623-3379 ext. 2109 or clerks@clarington.net by Friday, April 23, 2021 at 4 p.m.

  • March 28, 2021 5:56 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    At the March 22 council meeting, councillors voted in favour of the recommendations contained in staff report PLN 15-21, concerning the City's comprehensive zoning by-law review.

    As part of the council resolution, council voted to authorize staff to initiate Phases II and III of the study and funding for the study was approved.  

    Of note to members, the first draft of the consolidated by-law is scheduled to be released in the Fall of 2021 and will be followed by open houses and community workshops to receive feedback from stakeholders and the public.  A statuatory public meeting will also be held in the Fall of 2021.

    The comprehensive zoning bylaw review is being undertaken to with the purpose to:

    • Create on consolidated zoning by-law
    • Update zoning to reflect Official Plan policies and associated development guidelines
    • Complete necessary research to ensure the new by-law is consistent with current legislation, policy and trends
    • Post the by-law text and mapping on the City's website

    More information on this review and to view the discussion papers completed so far, visit https://www.pickering.ca/en/city-hall/comprehensive-zoning-by-law-review.aspx.

  • March 28, 2021 5:14 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    At the March 22, 2021 council meeting, council voted in favour of sending a response to the province in regards to growing the Greenbelt.  The resolution asks the province to maintain the current Greenbelt boundary and not pursue expanding it at this time.

    Resolution #556/21 was passed and read:

    • That comments in Report PLN 14-21, on Environmental Registry Posting (ERO) 019-3136 regarding growing the Provincial Greenbelt, be endorsed;
    • That the province maintain the current established Greenbelt boundary within the City of Pickering on the basis that:

    Any consideration or decision regarding expanding the Greenbelt in Pickering would be premature and not in the public interest, prior to the completion of the Region of Durham's Municipal Comprehensive Review, and in particular, prior to the completion of the Land Needs Assessment, updated Natural Heritage System mapping, and review and implementation of the Provincial Agricultural System, in order to fully understand the implications and determine the appropriateness of growing the Greenbelt;

    All lands within Pickering are covered by the policies of A Place to Grow and the Greenbelt Plan, which were further strengthened through the most recent updates to the provincial plans, and the Provincial Policy Statement, and which together provide the highest level of protection for natural heritage and hydrologic features and areas; as well as agricultural areas; and,

    The City, by Resolutions 140/19 and 173/19 affirmed its position that the lands in Northeast Pickering, be reserved to accommodate future urban development

    • That in order to minimize competing interests and priorities, the Province should explore opportunities on the outer fringes of the existing Greenbelt for further expansion, rather than the areas closest to the existing built up urban areas which may be needed the accommodate future development within proximity to transit and other existing and planned infrastructure investments by municipalities and the Province;
    • That should the Province decide to consider growing the Greenbelt within the City of Pickering:

    Any additions to the Greenbelt Plan be considered on the context of the Region of Durham's Municipal Comprehensive Review;

    The legislated public process for amendments to the Greenbelt be followed, including consultation with City of Pickering, the Region of Durham, Indigenous communities, and affected property owners, prior to any final decision being made;

    Any decision to expand the Greenbelt should not compromise the ability of the municipality to accommodate future urban growth; and,

    Criteria be established and implementation guidance be provided to guide refinement to the Greenbelt Natural Heritage System by municipalities, similar to the criteria and guidance that have been established for the Growth Plan Natural Heritage System; and, 

    • That staff be directed to respond to ERO Posting 019-3136 with a copy of Report PLN 14-21 and Council's resolution thereon, and that a copy of Report PLN 14-21 be forwarded to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, MPP Peter Bethlenfalvy, the Regional Municipality of Durham and other Durham area municipalities.

  • March 28, 2021 5:01 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    At tonight's (Monday, March 29th) council meeting, staff will be bringing forward an item for consideration in regards to Alternative Cash-in-Lieu of Parkland Dedication Rates for Downtown Whitby and High Density Residential Development.

    The recommendation from staff is as follows:

    1. That Council adopt the proposed residential Cash-in-Lieu of Parkland dedication rate of 5% of the value of the land proposed to be developed within the Historic Downtown Whitby Priority Area of the Downtown Whitby Community Improvement Plan; and
    2. That Council adopt the proposed alternate residential Cash-in-Lieu of Parkland dedication rate of the lesser of 1 hectare for every 500 units or 35% of the land proposed to be developed for Town-wide High Density Residential Developments (excluding residential developments in the Historic Downtown Whitby Priority Area) that meet the eligibility requirements outlined within Report CMS 05-21; and
    3. That an Alternate Cash-in-Lieu of Parkland Dedication By-law be brought forward for Council's approval  that addresses the Historic Downtown Whitby Priority Area and other High Density Residential Areas within the Town; and
    4. That staff be directed to undertake the larger Town-wide Parkland Needs/Dedication Study as identified within the 2021 Capital Budget having regard for community and development industry engagement throughout the Study process.

    Read Report CMS 05-21 for more information.

    The Whitby Special Council meeting will be held tonight, Monday, March 29, 2021 at 5:30 p.m.  You can watch the meeting live here.

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Email: info@drhba.com


1-1255 Terwillegar Avenue

Oshawa, Ontario

L1J 7A4

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Durham Region Home Builders' Association is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. 1-1255 Terwillegar Avenue Oshawa, Ontario L1J 7A4

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