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  • December 08, 2020 12:10 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Town of Ajax has advised DRHBA that there was an error in the Development Charge Background Study Amendment related to the calculations used for determining the DC recoverable cost of growth-related studies.

    The charge that was calculated in the original DCBS Amendment was understated.  As a result, the recoverable charge will increase.  For example: single and semi-detached dwelling rates will increase by $17 per unit.  The non-residential rate is unchanged.

    An addendum to the study was prepared by the Town's consultants, Watson & Associates, to clarify and correct this error.  

    The addendum is posted at: https://www.ajax.ca/en/inside-townhall/resources/Finance/Reports/2018-DCBS-Update---Addendum.pdf

  • December 08, 2020 12:08 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    On November 30th, the municipality of Clarington hosted a public meeting on their proposed new development charge bylaw.  The bylaw was scheduled to be voted on by council at the December 14th meeting.

    However, as DRHBA and the municipality are currently involved in discussions surrounding the new bylaw, EO Stacey Hawkins requested at the meeting that the vote be postponed until the January 18th, 2021 council meeting.  This request was granted unanimously.

    DRHBA will continue to work with stakeholders, Altus Group and the municipality of Clarington.  If any members have comments, concerns or questions regarding the proposed new development charge bylaw, please contact Stacey.

    Background Study

  • December 08, 2020 11:57 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Durham Region Home Builders' Association was successful today in having a motion on Green Development Standards in the Region of Durham referred back to staff with instructions to collaborate with DRHBA passed at the Region's Finance and Administration committee meeting.

    The initial motion was:

    A) That Regional Council formally urge all local municipalities in Durham to adopt development standards similar to the Whitby Green Standard as the basis for addressing the sustainability of all new development across Durham Region; and

    B) That Regional Council communicate this position to all other Regional governments in Ontario and urge them and their local municipalities to adopt similar green standards for new development.

    The recommendation was for approval and subsequent recommendation to Regional Council.

    In an effort to prevent the original from being approved and sent to council for approval, DRHBA submitted correspondence to the committee, and DRHBA president Johnathan Schickedanz provided a delegation.

    Mayor Drew put forward the referral motion, which passed unanimously.

    The item originated at the Durham Region Roundtable on Climate Change (DRRCC) meeting on November 20th.  At that meeting, former manager of sustainability at the Region of Durham Brian Kelly made a delegation regarding the Climate and Sustainability Program Update, specifically the Whitby Green Standard and the Corporate Climate Change Master Plan.

    According to the minutes of the meeting, Mr. Kelly, "requested that the following recommendations with respect to the Whitby Green Standard be made to Regional Council:

    • That DRRCC recommends that Regional Council formally urge all local municipalities in Durham to adopt the Whitby Green Standard as the basis for addressing the sustainability of all new development across Durham Region; and
    • Furthermore, that DRRCC recommends that Durham Regional Council communicate this position to all other regional governments in Ontario and urge them and their local municipalities to adopt similar green standards for new development.

    B. Kelly requested that the following recommendation with respect to the Corporate Climate Change Master Plan be made to Regional Council:

    • That the DRRCC recommends that Regional Council adopt Tier 4 of the Whitby Green Standard and in particular net-zero energy performance as the design requirement for all future buildings constructed by and for the Region of Durham and its agencies, effective immediately."

    In addition, Jade Schofield, project manager of sustainability and climate change for the Town of Whitby provided a presentation regarding the Whitby Green Standard.  After her presentation, a motion was moved and carried to have Ms. Schofield delegate to the Finance and Administration Committee about the Whitby Green Standards.

    Further, the DRRCC recommended to the Finance and Administration Committee for approval and subsequent recommendation to Regional Council:

    A) That Regional Council formally urge all local municipalities in Durham to adopt development standards similar to the Whitby Green Standard as the basis for addressing the sustainability of all new development across Durham Region; and

    B) That Regional Council communicate this position to all other Regional governments in Ontario and urge them and their local municipalities to adopt similar green standards for new development.

    This motion carried.

  • December 04, 2020 9:03 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

  • November 26, 2020 9:03 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

  • November 20, 2020 8:52 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

  • November 13, 2020 8:51 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

  • November 11, 2020 3:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    This year the Durham Region Home Builders' Association Durham College Scholarship Fund recipient was a Second Year Student in the Building Constitution Technician Program (BDCT). 

  • November 11, 2020 2:57 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


  • November 06, 2020 8:46 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

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L1J 7A4

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