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  • March 26, 2021 9:58 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Tarion is consulting on proposals to address the remaining recommendations of the Auditor General, as well as an additional consumer protection initiative.

    In addition to accepting written submissions, they will be hosting four builder roundtables to give you the opportunity to provide your feedback directly to them.  Please find the the list of dates/times/link to register here:

    March 30, 2021 - 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. - Register

    April 9, 2021 - 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. - Register

    April 12, 2021 - 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. - Register

    April 27, 2021 - 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. - Register

    Tarion is consulting on proposed changes, including:

    • Two options for a new customer service standard to address Auditor General recommendation #6
    • A new policy on unfinished items at the time of possession to address Auditor General recommendation #5
    • A new process for information-sharing with municipalities to address Auditor General recommendation #17
    • A new accommodation warranty for homeowners who have to relocate during repairs of a warranted item.

    If you are unable to attend one of their roundtables, you may submit feedback on the proposed changes to submissions@tarion.com by April 30, 2021.

    For more information on the proposed changes, please see:

    Read more about the consultation

    View the consultation discussion guide

    View the consultation Q&A

  • March 26, 2021 9:54 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks is moving forward with the Consolidated Linear Infrastructure (CLI) Permissions Approach for stormwater and sewage collection systems. A decision notice has been posted and can be accessed on the Environmental Registry at https://ero.ontario.ca/notice/019-1080

    The CLI Permissions Approach was strongly supported by OHBA through multiple submissions to the MECP in 2018, 2019 and 2020. OHBA struck an Environmental Approvals sub-committee and would in particular like to thank volunteer member Steve Schaefer (Principal SCS Consulting Group) for his efforts spearheading this initiative. The CLI permissions approach is a gamechanger and will streamline the current approvals framework for lower risk, routine sewage works through consolidating approvals for linear infrastructure (e.g. sanitary collection, stormwater works).

    With the transition to CLI, a municipality’s sanitary collection works will be brought under one multi-media Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA) for a municipality’s wastewater sewage collection system, and a municipality’s stormwater collection works will be brought under one multi-media ECA for a municipality’s stormwater collection, treatment and disposal system.  The consolidation of approvals, and transition to the CLI framework will:

    • create an efficient process for low-risk projects
    • provide clear, transparent and consistent requirements
    • improve environmental protection through updated and consolidated terms and conditions
    • establish a more comprehensive picture of sewage works across the province

    CLI ECAs will also include pre-authorization conditions which will allow municipalities and developers constructing infrastructure on behalf of municipalities to proceed without first having to obtain an individual Ministry permission, provided specific requirements are met. OHBA has consistently supported streamlining the redundant ECA process for SWM facilities and in particular SWM ponds that require sign off by the MECP following municipal approvals – this is a significant regulatory improvement that will help get shovels in the ground for critical infrastructure faster and support new housing supply.

  • March 26, 2021 9:45 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Town of Whitby is undertaking a comprehensive review of their Zoning By-Law.  The Town is approaching completion of Phase I of this review.  As part of this work, the Town is hosting a stakeholder session with their consultants SGL.  During this stakeholder session, SGL will give a brief presentation about the background reports they have prepared and there will be time for feedback and thoughts on directions to take in Phase II.

    The stakeholder session will be held on Wednesday, April 21, 2021 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

    You can join the meeting here: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/962319445 

    The access code is: 962-319-445 

    The background reports prepared by SGL are available on www.whitby.ca/inthezone.

  • March 25, 2021 3:45 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    On Wednesday, March 25, Ontario’s Finance Minister, and President of the Treasury Board the Honourable Peter Bethlenfalvy, delivered the province’s 20201 Budget, entitled ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Ontario’s Action Plan: Protecting People’s Health and Our Economy. This budget is strongly focused on defeating the COVID-19 pandemic and protecting jobs, while laying out the roadmap for a post pandemic economic recovery. Please find OHBA’s news release on today’s budget here.

    OHBA has been advocating for key policy proposals in the budget to help our sector deliver new homes and newly renovated homes to awaiting families. OHBA believes the residential construction industry is well positioned to lead Ontario’s economy into a sustainable recovery through strong investment in local communities and to act as a stabilizing force in terms of job creation. In preparation for the 2021 budget, OHBA focused our efforts on meeting with key Cabinet Minsters and Parliamentary Assistants to share our core policy proposals further outlined in our formal 2021 Budget Submission. This submission outlines critical measures to help unlock needed investment in new housing, improve affordability and reduce red tape.

    Relevant parts of today’s budget are noted below,

    Headline Economic/Budget Stats:

    • Full budget expenditures total $173 billion.
    • For 2020–21, the government is projecting a deficit of $33.1 billion.
    • Over the medium term, the government is forecasting deficits of $27.7 billion in 2022–23 and $20.2 billion in 2023–24,
    • Ontario’s real GDP declined 5.7% in 2020. GDP growth is projected at 4% for 2021, 4.3% in 2022, 2.5% in 2023, & 2.0% in 2024.
    • The construction sector saw a 5.5% reduction in construction employment between February 2020 and February 2021.
    • The Ministry of Finance noted 81,300 new home starts in 2020 with the following forecasted projections,
      • 80,200 starts in 2021
      • 79,300 starts in 2022
      • 80,200 starts in 2023
      • 81,200 starts in 2024


    • The strong housing momentum is expected to continue with home resales projected to rise 5.5% in 2021 and the average home resale price to increase 7.5 per cent. Housing activity is expected to moderate between 2022 and 2024 to levels consistent with fundamental drivers of housing demand, such as population growth.

    Skilled Trades, Apprenticeships & Workforce Development

    • The province will invest $288.2 million in 2021–22 in its Skilled Trades Strategy with the following measures.
      • $39.6 million over three years, beginning in 2021–22, to expand the Specialist High Skills Major program to further expose students in Grades 11 & 12 to the skilled trades.
      • Development of a Portal for Skilled Trades & Apprenticeships is ongoing. This portal will offer a 24/7, secure, simple an straightforward way to connect employers with the skilled workers they need.
      • $3 million for a hand-on learning assistance for up 1,000 Ontario students, including co-ops focused on the skilled trades.
      • Expand the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program to include Grade 10 summer training opportunities alongside Grade 11 and 12.
    • The government is helping workers retrain in a second career, or a career change, as well as help employers locate and identify potential workers through a virtual skills passport. By providing additional one‐time funding of $2 million in 2021–22 for the development of a virtual skills passport that tracks learners’ credentials to set the foundation for lifelong learning, and allows them to share credentials digitally with prospective employers.

    Getting Ontario’s Economy Back on Track – Key Red Tape Initiatives

    • The provincial government will continue the process of digitizing and automating Ontario government services, particularly those used by businesses.

    Health & Safety

    • The province is providing free occupational health and safety training for health and safety representatives in up to 60,000 small businesses by investing $3.5 million annually over a three‐year period, focused on helping to lower injury rates and improve health and safety awareness and practices in small businesses.

    Tax Policy Changes

    • The budget includes a new Ontario Jobs Training Tax Credit, which would provide up to $2,000 per recipient to cover half of eligible expenses, which include occupational, trade or technical qualifications or training programs (the credit is effectively being harmonized with a similar federal measure).
    •  Fees for an occupational, trade, or professional examination required to obtain a professional status, or to be licensed or certified as a tradesperson, and that are paid to a university, college or other educational institution, a professional association, provincial ministry, or other similar institution.
    • Ontario is providing a second round of Ontario Small Business Support Grant payments to eligible recipients. Approximately 120,000 small businesses will automatically benefit from an additional $1.7 billion in relief through this second round of support in the form of grants of a minimum of $10,000 and up to $20,000 — bringing the estimated total support provided through this grant to $3.4 billion.
    • The province has expanded the Regional Opportunities Investment Tax Credit to 20% for  businesses that build, renovate or purchase eligible commercial or industrial buildings in a qualifying region of the province.


    While this budget is primarily focused on preserving people’s health and jobs, OHBA will continue to advocate for policy measures that will enable our sector to reignite Ontario’s economy over the next 12 months as we move towards economic recover.

  • March 23, 2021 8:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    Durham – March 22nd , 2021 - The Durham Region Home Builders' Association (DRHBA) has released the finalists for their 2021 Awards of Excellence. DRHBA had over 100 entries in this year's awards, and the judges have worked hard to score all of the entries. 

    These prestigious awards celebrate excellence in new homes, home renovations, innovative technology and construction, outstanding presentation, and marketing of projects within Durham Region.

    Please join us as we take our Awards of Excellence virtual. DRHBA will be hosting the virtual gala on Thursday April 22nd at 3 p.m. via YouTube. A link will be sent out prior to the event. Tuning in live will allow for you to have first access to the night's winners as well as to comment in real time. Free party boxes for the Awards are also available and will be delivered April 19th. A limited number of party boxes are left! To sign up to receive a party box please email Katelyn Widdop at k.widdop@drhba.com.  Winners will be contacted by Katelyn Widdop to confirm a shipping address for the trophy after the Awards.

    This year's finalists include:

    Marketing Awards:

    Excellence in Digital Marketing

                Brookfield Residential – Drawn Homes

                Highmark Homes with credit to COOLAID Studios – Triumph 4

                Upperview Homes – President

    Excellence in Logo Design

                COOLAID Studios – Y Towns

                Holland Homes – McLaughlin Park

                Upperview Homes – President

    Excellence in Print Ad/Direct Mail Piece

                Holland Homes Inc. – Homes and Land Print Ad

                Upperview Homes – President

    Excellence in Sales Brochure Design

                COOLAID Studios – Y Towns

        Esquire Homes – Kings Landing

                Upperview Homes – President

    Excellence in Signage

                COOLAID Studios – Towns of Folkstone

                Holland Homes Inc. – McLaughlin Park

                Upperview Homes – President

    Excellence in Social Media

                Brookfield Residential with credit to COOLAID Studios – Dockside

                Tribute Communities – Tribute Communities Corporate

                Upperview Homes – President

    Excellence in Website Design

                A&R Developments

                Esquire Homes

                Upperview Homes

    On-Site Sales Presentation Awards:

    Excellence in Interior Decorating – Model Home/Suite

                Minto Communities Ontario with credit to RN Design Limited – Winchester, Ivy Ridge

                Minto Communities Ontario with credit to RN Design Limited – Welton, Ivy Ridge

                Picture Homes Millennium with credit to Colours & Concepts Inc. – The Devon

    Excellence in New Homes Sales Office – Large Volume

                Coughlan Homes – Enclave

                Esquire Homes – Appleview and North Glen Phase 4

                The Vogue Development Group – Vogue at Queens Common Sales Centre

    Excellence in New Homes Sales Office – Small Volume

             To be announced at Awards

    New Home Design – Custom Built Awards:

    Excellence in Custom Built Bathroom Design

             Holland Homes Inc. – 28 Concession Street

             Wiltshire Homes Canada – Westshore

    Excellence in Custom Built Kitchen Design

              FarSight Homes with credit to Colours & Concepts Inc, Green Apple Cabinets, Cassidy +  Company Residential Design Consultants – Amethyst

              Holland Homes Inc. – 28 Concession St.

              Wiltshire Homes Canada – Annland

    Excellence in Custom Built Home (under 2500 sq. ft.)

                Andelwood Homes – Brooklin

                Kiya Developments – Church

    Excellence in Custom Built Home (2501-3500 sq. ft.)

                Construct and Conserve Building Inc.

                Lavender Homes with credit to Broz Excavating, D.G. Biddle, Don and Son Limited, Goreski Roofing, Holland Homes, Manalco Contracting, Pollard Windows and Doors, Raywal Cabinets, Schleiss Development Company, Tranquility Home Comfort – Grandview Street North

                LCM Project Management and General Contracting – Hanover

    Excellence in Custom Built Home (3501-4500 sq. ft.)

                RN Design Limited with credit to Colours & Concepts Inc.  –  Williamsberg Estate

                Construct and Conserve Building Inc. – Matin

                Holland Homes Inc. – 28 Concession St.

    Excellence in Custom Built Homes (4501 sq. ft. and up)

               A&R Developments – 1427 Rougemount Drive

               A&R Developments – Luxury Homes in Whitby

               FarSight Homes with credit to Colours & Concepts Inc., Green Apple Cabinets, Cassidy + Company Residential Design Consultants – Amethyst

    RenoMark Home Renovator Awards:

    Excellence in Bathroom Renovation

                Accubuilt Construction Ltd. With credit Rocpal Custom Cabinets – Uxbridge Bathroom

               Lavender Homes with credit to Broz Excavating, D.G. Biddle, Don and Son Limited, Goreski Roofing, Holland Homes, Manalco Contracting, Pollard Windows and Doors, Raywal Cabinets, Schleiss Development Company, Tranquility Home Comfort – 931 Swiss Heights

                LCM Project Management and General Contracting – Chippewa Bathroom

    Excellence in Kitchen Renovation

                Accubuilt Construction Ltd. With credit to Rocpal Custom Cabinets – Raglan Kitchen

                Paradisaic Building Group – Hill Street Kitchen

    Excellence in Home Renovation/Addition ($100,001 - $250,000)

                Kraco Contracting – Parent Kitchen – Function, Storage and Style

                Trademark Homes – Cochrane

    Excellence in Home Renovation/Addition ($250,001 – $500,000)

                Accubuilt Construction Ltd. – Raglan Addition

                Andelwood Homes – Solina

                LCM Project Management and General Contracting – Fairview Bungalow

    Excellence in Home Renovation/Addition ($500,001 and Up)

                Accubuilt Construction Ltd. – Parkview Addition

                Tribute Communities with credit to Cassidy + Company Residential Design Consultants –  Westney Heritage

    New Home Design – Production Built Awards:

    Excellence in Mid-Rise Building Design

                To be announced at the Awards.

    Excellence in Multi- Unit Suite Design

               To be announced at the Awards.

    Excellence in High-Rise Building Design

                To be announced at the Awards.

    Excellence in Production Built Bathroom Design

                Minto Communities Ontario with credit to RN Design Limited – Winchester, Ivy Ridge

                Trademark Homes with credit to Rocpal Custom Cabinets, Pollard Windows & Doors Inc, Don and Son Building Supplies Limited – Nash

                Upperview Homes – President

    Excellence in Production Built Kitchen Design

                Geranium with credit to RN Design Limited and Colours & Concepts Inc. - The Chesterman

                Trademark Homes with credit to Rocpal Custom Cabinets – Nash

                Upperview Homes – President

    Excellence in Semi-Detached or Townhome OVER 2000 sq. ft.

                Minto Communities Ontario with credit to RN Design Limited – Greenhaven

                Tribute Communities with credit to Cassidy + Company Residential Design Consultants – Findlay

    Excellence in Semi-Detached or Townhome UNDER 2000 sq. ft.

                Delpark Homes with credit to Cassidy + Company Residential Design Consultants – The Avalon

               Tribute Communities with credit to Cassidy + Company Residential Design Consultants – Foster

    Excellence in Single 2001 sq. ft. to 3000 sq. ft.

                Trademark Homes – Nash

                Tribute Communities with credit to Cassidy + Company Residential Design Consultants – Rosehampton

                Upperview Homes – President

    Excellence in Single 3001 sq. ft. to 4000 sq. ft.

                Esquire Homes – Appleview

                Minto Communities Ontario with credit RN Design Limited – Kendalwood

                Tribute Communities with credit to Cassidy + Company Residential Design Consultants – Bolton

    Outstanding Achievement Awards:

    Excellence in Training and Development

                Brookfield Residential

                Enbridge Gas Inc.      

                Cassidy + Company Residential Design Consultants

    Excellence in Workplace Safety  

                To be announced at the Awards.

    Corporate Citizenship

                Brookfield Residential

                Enbridge Gas Inc.

    Trade of the Year

                MV Drywall

                The Fireside Group Inc.

    Supplier of the Year

                To be announced at the Awards.

    Renovator of the Year

                To be announced at the Awards.

    Green Builder of the Year

                Brookfield Residential

                Minto Communities with credit to RN Design Limited

    Community of the Year

                Coughlan Homes – Enclave 

                Geranium with credit to RN Design Limited and Colours & Concepts Inc. - Courts of Canterbury

                Minto Communities Ontario with credit to RN Design Limited – Ivy Ridge

    Builder of the Year – Large Volume

                Coughlan Homes

                Minto Communities Ontario with credit to RN Design Limited

                Tribute Communities

    Builder of the Year – Small Volume

                 Esquire Homes with credit to Hunt Design Associates

                 Geranium with credit to RN Design Limited and Colours & Concepts Inc.

                 Upperview Homes

    The Durham Region Home Builders' Association is a non-profit association composed of home builders, renovators, trade contractors, suppliers, and related professionals.  They have been an active voice for the residential construction industry in Durham Region for over 60 years.  For more information, visit www.drhba.com.

    For more information, contact Katelyn Widdop at 905-579-8080 ext. 1 or k.widdop@drhba.com.

    For a pdf version of the above click here!

  • March 04, 2021 2:37 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

  • March 03, 2021 10:55 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Region of Durham is currently undergoing a Municipal Comprehensive Review (MCR), and there are opportunities for engagement.

    Proposed Policy Directions (Stage 3-Direct) - survey responses and comments accepted until June 30, 2021

    On March 2, 2021, the Planning & Economic Development Committee received the Proposed Policy Directions (Report #2021-P-7). The Proposed Policy Directions present potential additions and changes to land use planning policies, and public input is being requested. The proposed directions are not intended to be exhaustive but introduce certain directions where further input is being sought before draft policies are introduced within a proposed new Regional Official Plan. For additional details, please review the full report here

    Comments on the Proposed Policy Directions are being requested by June 30, 2021 (a 120-day commenting period).

    The Proposed Policy Directions were developed and informed based on best practice reviews, research, public engagement and feedback received during Stages 1 (“Discover”) and 2 (“Discuss”) of the Envision Durham process. They are also intended to respond to submissions received through Stage 2, a summary of which can be viewed here.

    To solicit feedback on the Proposed Policy Directions, an online survey was developed to help facilitate input. Each proposed policy direction has been highlighted by report section, with a corresponding “poll” survey, and specific comments can be provided directly into the survey for each proposed direction. For additional details, please visit the survey here.

    Comments may also be submitted via email to EnvisionDurham@durham.ca or sent to the attention of: Envision Durham, c/o The Regional Municipality of Durham, Planning and Economic Development Department, 605 Rossland Road East, PO Box 623, Whitby, Ontario, L1N 6A3.

    Growth Management Study (Stage 3-Direct) - Settlement Area Boundary Expansion requests (submissions accepted until May 31, 2021)

    As a key component of Envision Durham, a Growth Management Study (GMS) is being completed in two phases. The first phase of the GMS focuses on the completion of a Land Needs Assessment (LNA). The LNA is a comprehensive review and calculation of the Region’s land base, including existing urban areas, to determine how the Growth Plan population and employment forecasts can be accommodated and how much, if any, additional urban land is required. The second phase of the GMS, if required, will focus on determining the most appropriate location for Urban Boundary expansions.

    Any required Settlement Area boundary expansion will be considered through the GMS (Phase 2), after the completion of the LNA. The LNA, which determines the amount of urban land required to accommodate the 2051 growth forecasts, is currently underway.

    To inform this work, a 90-day submission window for new and/or amended requests for Settlement Area boundary expansions will allow proponents the opportunity to respond to or address the criteria identified within Settlement Area Boundary Expansion section and Appendix C: Settlement Area Boundary Expansion – Evaluation Criteria of the Proposed Policy Directions report released March 2, 2021.


    New and/or amended requests for Settlement Area boundary expansions are now being accepted (during a 90-day submission window). The final date to submit a Settlement Area boundary expansion request for consideration through Envision Durham will be May 31, 2021.

    When making a submission, stakeholders should:

    • Include any supporting documentation, having regard for the criteria outlined in the Settlement Area Boundary Expansion section and Appendix C: Settlement Area Boundary Expansion – Evaluation Criteria of the Proposed Policy Directions report, including clear mapping of the subject property and a description of the proposed land use and built form that is to be considered, including unit count by dwelling type and non-residential floor space, if possible.
    • Direct the request in an electronic format to EnvisionDurham@durham.ca.

  • March 03, 2021 10:37 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    On March 1, 2021 at the Finance and Administration Committee meeting, Oshawa hosted a public meeting on their development charge bylaw amendment.

    Their consultant, Watson & Associates, made a presentation at the meeting.

    The net result of the amendment is an increase of:

    • $1,020 for single and semi-detached
    • $1,283 for duplex (for 2 units)
    • $641 for apartments 2 or more bedrooms
    • $395 for apartments bachelor and 1 bedroom
    • $824 for townhouse dwelling
    • $352 for lodging house (per unit)

    The changes and new amounts can be viewed here:

    The bylaw was amended to reflect the recent amendments to the Development Charges Act made through the More Homes, More Choice Act and the COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act, including:

    • Changes to the D.C. recoverable costs, i.e. removable of the 10% statutory deduction for soft services;
    • Creation of a class of service for Growth-Related Studies; 
    • Changes to DC collection policies for installment payments and charges determined at the time of application for Site Plan or Zoning By-law Amendment; and
    • Changes to the statutory exemptions for residential intensification.

    The amended bylaw will be brought to council on March 29, 2021.

    If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Stacey.

  • March 03, 2021 9:50 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Enbridge & Building Knowledge Canada are hosting webinars to help builders and HVAC contractors with the commissioning and verification of their furnaces.  These webinars will help inform you of the coming changes and shorten the learning curve.

    At the Builder Set Up & Commissioning Verification Process Training, you will learn the new process coming April 1, 2021, including:

    • New setup and commissioning process
    • New form and how to access/order
    • How to avoid commissioning related B-Tags going forward

    There are three training sessions being offered:

    • March 10, 2021 - 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. - Register
    • March 18, 2021 - 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. - Register
    • March 25, 2021 - 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. - Register

    For more information, click here.

  • March 03, 2021 9:27 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    With the recent changes at Tarion as a result of the launch of the Home Construction Regulatory Authority (HCRA), Tarion is hosting Q&A sessions during which you can ask questions to better understand these new changes.

    Below are the links to register/join one of these sessions.  Upon registration, you will receive an email with the link to the session you have registered for.  You can register right up until the session starts.

    Builder Question & Answer Session - Recent Changes

    March 5, 2021 - 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. - Register

    March 12, 2021 - 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. - Register

    March 19, 2021 - 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. - Register

    Please be aware that any specific HCRA question will need to be addressed by the HCRA at info@hcraontario.ca.

    Recently Tarion has received a number of questions related to Unavoidable Delays, and in an effort to assist you, Tarion is hosting two webinars on information related to understanding unavoidable delays.

    Each webinar will feature a short presentation and a question and answer session.

    Please see the links below to register for these upcoming sessions.  Upon registration, you will receive a confirmation email with the link to the webcast you have registered for.

    Builder Information Session: Unavoidable Delays

    March 9, 2021 - 2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. - Register

    March 12, 2021 - 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. - Register

    Tarion is working with our industry partners to find solutions to address the increasing concerns for the safety of homeowners and builders.  Remember, you can visit Tarion's website for all of our COVID-19 resources for builders.

    If you have a COVID-19 related questions that isn't answered by their available -resources, you can reach out to their COVID-19 response team by emailing COVID19@tarion.com or by calling - 1-877-982-7466.

Follow Us on Social Media:  

Contact Us:

Phone: 905-579-8080

Email: info@drhba.com


1-1255 Terwillegar Avenue

Oshawa, Ontario

L1J 7A4

Copyright © 2019, Durham Region Home Builder's Association, All Rights Reserved
Durham Region Home Builders' Association is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. 1-1255 Terwillegar Avenue Oshawa, Ontario L1J 7A4

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