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  • May 18, 2021 1:52 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Town of Whitby passed their new development charge bylaw at last night's council meeting.

    Report FS 28-21 was brought forward and passed unanimously by council. Council also passed the new development charge bylaw.

    The new rates are as follows:

    The new development charge bylaw comes into effect on June 1, 2021.

    Through work done by the stakeholder group organized by DRHBA, the rate increase for a single/semi was reduced by $7,551.  The group also ensured that needed infrastructure projects were included in the DC.

  • May 18, 2021 12:10 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Ontario Home Builders' Association (OHBA) is looking to connect with builder members warranty service departments to access the current COVID impacts on warranty service, the impact of virtual inspections and the conciliation processes, along with ongoing concerns regarding Tarion application of CPG or other warranty specific issues.

    OHBA welcomes both freehold and condominium members to attend and participate.  

    The session will be held on Friday, May 28, from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Register for the session here.

  • May 18, 2021 11:42 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The City of Oshawa is currently undergoing a parking study.  In September, IBI Group gave a presentation to members, and DRHBA followed up with this letter.

    City staff have responded and provided the following answers to DRHBA's questions:

    Q1:  Are there any other intensification areas other than those listed that could be considered for reduced parking standards (i.e. transit spines, or regional corridors such as Taunton Road, Harmony Road, Highway 2, Simcoe Street, etc.)?

     A1:  As part of an add-on requested by City of Oshawa staff the Citywide parking study is analyzing regional corridors and local corridors and providing recommendations regarding suggested required parking rates for residential uses in those areas.  As part of the planning exercise to follow the parking study, City staff may also consider whether local central areas and transit spines should also have reduced required parking for residential uses.  Attached is a composite map that indicates the areas looked at as mapped in the City’s Official Plan.

    Q2:  With the proposal to increase private garage dimensions from 5.75m to 6.2m, will there be a grandfathering clause or any relief for those developments that are well into the building permit application and approval process with the City?

    A2:  If the recommendation from IBI to increase garage dimensions from 2.75m to 3m by and 5.75m to 6.2m was to ultimately get implemented into the Zoning By-law and become a requirement; consideration of “grandfathering” developments that have been approved through the planning process or at the building permit process will have to be considered.   An example where the City did this previously is Article 6.2.2 in Zoning By-law 90-64 “Notwithstanding the regulations set out in Table 6.2 to the contrary, any and all single detached dwellings constructed or to be constructed on lots or parts of lots within a plan of subdivision registered after January 1, 1987 and zoned R1-C may have a minimum front yard depth of 6.0 m.” This is something that can be considered when the City moves forward with a zoning amendment, but would not necessarily be part of the parking study itself.

    Q3:  What is considered to be multi-unit residential? Is it just apartments or does this include townhouses?

    A3:  In the Zoning By-law permits a range of “multi-unit” residential uses, those uses, and other uses, were listed on slide 17 and 18 of the presentation to DRHBA.  If there are specific questions to specific uses staff would be happy to discuss.  To answer the question posed at this time, the only multi-unit residential use that would take the form of a townhouse would be stacked townhouses, which is considered and apartment building as defined by the Zoning By-law.

    In addition to the response above the final parking study report is now available for review and comment here: Parking Study - City of Oshawa (esolutionsgroup.ca)

    Please review and provide comments to Morgan Jones via email at mrjones@oshawa.ca.  If you have any questions about the amendments please direct them to Morgan as well via the email address above, or by phone at 905-436-3311 ext 2536. 

    Comments are to be provided no later than June 4, 2021.

  • May 17, 2021 11:47 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Durham Region Home Builders' is saddened to announce that Mario Veltri has passed away.  Mario was a lifetime member of the DRHBA, and served as president of the association in 1970 and 1986. 

    A highly respected man, both within the home building industry and by his friends and associates, earned his reputation through hard work, dedication and bravery.

    "I've known Mario for over 40 years, and Mario ran his home building business like he ran his life, with the highest of integrity, honesty and always wanting to do the right thing for his purchasers and his community," says Peter Saturno, president of Midhaven Homes and past president of DRHBA and OHBA.  "Mario's passing has left a void, not only in his family, but also in the home building family in Durham Region, as well as all of the communities he has contributed to over his life."

    Mario Veltri was born in Calabria, Italy in 1932, and immigrated to Canada in 1953.  Upon his arrival in Canada, he obtained employment with the Canadian National Railroad in Manitoba and Halifax. 

    Six months later, he moved to Ontario.  When a potential employer refused to hire him, Mario did not get discouraged.  Instead, he picked up a shovel.  His tenacity paid off, and he was the last man hired for the job.

    He moved on to Pigott Construction, building the south plant of General Motors of Canada on Park Road.  From there, he worked as labourer for a builder in Scarborough, where he worked his way up to become the superintendent of a building.

    He returned to Italy in 1962, where he met and married his wife Anna, and the two returned to make their home in Canada.

    He incorporated Marianna (a combination of his wife’s name and his) Developments in 1964 and quickly earned a respected reputation as a builder of fine homes in several communities throughout Durham Region and the surrounding areas.  His scope was not limited to creating high quality residential homes, and he expanded his portfolio to include several high-rise rental and commercial properties.

    In 1977, he built the Veltri Complex, which is nine stories high and is situated in the downtown core of Bowmanville; in1992, he developed the Harmony Creek Golf Centre in Oshawa and in 1998, he was a partner in constructing Boundary Mall.

    Mario supported many charitable organizations, including local hospitals and the Durham Region Cancer Centre.

    Throughout his career, Mario has received many awards honouring his dedication, including the Durham Region Home Builders’ Association (DRHBA) Community Service Award in 1994, and the Business Person of the Year Award from the Chamber of Commerce in 1993.

    Outside of the business world, Mario is known as a dedicated family man.  He was married to his wife, Anna, almost 50 years and had four children, Frank, Nina, Gino and Lisa.  He is also survived by  five grandchildren, Mario Jr., Deanna, Emmalisa, Zachariah and Arianna and one great granddaughter, Eve Francesca.

    A private visitation, funeral mass and burial will be held for the immediate family only.  A celebratory mass in Mario's honour will be scheduled at a later date.

    The obituary can be found here.

  • May 12, 2021 10:28 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Launch of new online portal will better connect businesses to free testing supplies

    TORONTO – To ramp up its fight against COVID-19 in workplaces, and in addition to the recently-announced partnership between the province and the Ontario Chamber of Commerce, the Ontario government has launched a new rapid testing portal to make it easier for all essential businesses to access free rapid testing to help keep employees and their families safe.

    Through the Provincial Antigen Screening Program, Ontario has already delivered more than nine million rapid testing kits to nearly 1,600 workplaces. Test shipments to essential businesses have more than tripled since the beginning of April.

    “To help stem the tide of the third wave and prevent workplace outbreaks, we launched the new rapid testing portal. We’re asking every business that’s able to be open, and particularly those in hot spots, to participate in Ontario’s COVID-19 Provincial Antigen Screening Program,” said Vic Fedeli, Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade. “Join the nearly 300 essential industry sites that include rapid testing in their arsenal of safety measures to keep workers and their families safe.”

    Businesses are encouraged to participate in the program by registering at ontario.ca/testingonsite. It provides free rapid antigen screening kits to help screen for asymptomatic cases of COVID-19 that might otherwise be missed. It is one more way that businesses can help workers and their families stay safe and keep the virus out of workplaces. Program eligibility was recently expanded to include any business that is allowed to be open and requires staff to work on-site.

    “This program complements our recently launched rapid testing initiative for small- and medium-sized businesses through the Ontario Chamber of Commerce, providing them with a useful tool in the fight against this pandemic," said Prabmeet Sarkaria, Associate Minister of Small Business and Red Tape Reduction. “If your business is essential and open, ordering free rapid tests through your local chamber of commerce is another way to help keep transmission low and workers safe.”

    The recent launch of a rapid testing initiative run jointly by the Ontario government and the Ontario Chamber of Commerce has already proved to be successful. In just two weeks, Ontario has received orders for more than 850,000 rapid tests and is quickly delivering them to small- and medium-sized businesses in more than 40 communities across the province.

    As the results of positive PCR tests are already reported to local public health units (PHUs) through the provincial lab network, the Ministry of Health is updating program requirements so organizations providing rapid antigen screening will no longer have to report preliminary positive results to PHUs, nor will they be required to report results of confirmatory lab-based PCR tests to the province. These changes will help encourage greater use of rapid testing by reducing the administrative burden and implementation barriers for all organizations and workplaces, while still maintaining strong public health and safety measures.

    “Our government’s top priority is protecting the health and safety of all Ontarians. As we continue to vaccinate more Ontarians, testing remains a key component of Ontario’s pandemic response,” said Christine Elliott, Deputy Premier and Minister of Health. “By supporting the use of rapid antigen tests by more businesses, our government is helping to provide an additional layer of protection for workers and their families.”

    Rapid antigen point-of-care testing goes hand in hand with public health measures, such as symptom screening, physical distancing, masking and hand hygiene. Any positive results from a rapid antigen point-of-care test must be confirmed with laboratory-based polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing.

    Quick Facts

    • A COVID-19 rapid screening test can be performed anywhere (e.g., on-site, at the place of employment) and does not require shipping a specimen to a lab for processing. It takes about 15 minutes to yield a result.
    • Rapid antigen point-of-care testing does not replace public health measures, such as symptom screening, physical distancing, masking and hand hygiene. Any positive results from a rapid antigen point-of-care test must be confirmed with laboratory-based polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing.
    • Organizations participating in the Provincial Antigen Screening Program can now search for a service provider offering point-of-care rapid testing services through a directory on the Ontario Together website. Service providers offering point-of-care COVID-19 testing services can also apply to be listed.

    Businesses with fewer than 150 employees can participate in workplace rapid antigen screening through a program run jointly by the Ontario government and the Ontario Chamber of Commerce.

  • May 12, 2021 10:25 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    At Whitby's Committee of the Whole meeting on Monday, May 10, 2021, council members considered report FS 28-21 (Development Charge By-law Final Recommendations).

    The Durham Region Homebuilders' Association is working with a stakeholder group, and wrote a letter requesting a delay to give our consultants more time to review the updated information recently provided by Town staff.  This request was echoed by Matthew Cory who delegated on behalf of the Brooklin Landowners Group.

    Councillor Rhonda Mulcahy initially recommended that the report be referred to next week's council meeting.

    Mayor Don Mitchell stated, "I am disappointed to hear this request.  This always happens, every time.  Doesn't matter what process we go through, the request for delay from the industry, we have already reduced the amount, we all know what's happening out there in the market, the prices are absolutely sky high and all of the residents who are buying those homes, they are going to expect top quality servicing and this is the money we deliver that with.  So I won't support any delay or the referral.  To get this in place we are going to need every dollar to properly service our new residents."

    After Mayor Mitchell spoke, Councillor Mulcahy withdrew her motion to refer it to the council meeting.

    The staff report passed unanimously.

    DRHBA's working group has been corresponding with Town staff and have thus far been able to reduce the proposed increase by $7,551.  The proposed rate going to council next week is $35,815 per single detached, which represents a 47% increase over their current rate of $24,418.

    DRHBA also requested that council and staff consider a phase-in of the new fees to allow builders to adjust their pricing accordingly, but that request was denied.

  • May 07, 2021 3:47 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Ministry of Health has recently provided new information on the risk of COVID-19 Variants of Concern transmission through the eyes. In response, the Ministry of Labour (MOL) through the risk-assessment requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, has revised the jobsite guidance for mask wearing and eye protection with the below updates. This clarification was obtained at the urging of OHBA and was confirmed today,

    • Working within 2-metres (indoors and outdoors) now requires eye protection AND an appropriate mask AT ALL TIMES.
    • Mask selection, either PPE or source control masking, must be selected based on the projects/workplace risk assessment. This may require moving from a cloth mask/face covering to a surgical or procedure mask but not necessarily an N95 unless required by the construction activity. Employers and workers need to determine what is the right mask under the circumstances where people are working within 2-metres of each other.
    • Eye protection would include goggles, safety glasses, prescription glasses with side shields that are tight fitting and should also be selected based on the risk assessment. For example, if eye-protection is required to reduce the transmission of COVID but also if the construction activity requires so, such as in demolition activities, then eye protection would need to satisfy both requirements.

    Members should ensure these new protocols are known and implemented on jobsites. If members receive an MOL Order (warning) for non-compliance related to this updated guidance please review the IHSA website and guidance document for more direction.

    MOL Summons (tickets) for non-compliance can be issued under the Duties of an Employer Section 25.2.H of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1990. This means that at some point an MOL warning can become a ticket and fine. 

    Why is it important to update your PPE requirements? To reduce the risk of transmission and possible local public health orders to self-isolate for 14 days.

    If a positive COVID case is reported at your jobsite, the local public health unit will investigate and determine the exposure risk the COVID positive individual had in relation to other workers on the site. Updating your PPE requirements to the new guidance on eye protection and masking could support the local public health unit in determining that other workers in contact with the positive COVID contact are not at risk of transmission, and do not need to isolate for 14 days. If on the other hand, the local public health units determines that the lack of eye protection and proper masking related to close contact interaction increases the risk of transmission to other workers, they may determine that those workers must isolate for 14 days.

    We need to work safer than ever to keep each other safe. As always, please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.

  • April 26, 2021 1:10 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    Contact: Katelyn Widdop

    Phone: 905-579-8080 ext. 1

    Email: k.widdop@drhba.com


    Gala event streamed virtually through YouTube on April 22nd, 2021 at 3pm

    Durham – April 26th, 2021 - The Durham Region Home Builders' Association (DRHBA) is excited to announce the winners of their 2021 Awards of Excellence.

    These prestigious awards celebrate excellence in new homes, home renovations, innovative technology and construction, outstanding presentation, and marketing of projects within Durham Region. The show went live on Thursday, April 22nd at 3 pm and everyone was able to tune in from home to watch. Builder of the Year – Large Volume was won by Minto Communities Ontario and Builder of the Year – Small Volume was won by Geranium with credit to RN Design Limited and Colours & Concepts Inc. Congratulations to all of our winners!

    This year's winners include:

    Marketing Awards:

    Excellence in Digital Marketing

    Brookfield Residential – Drawn Homes

    Excellence in Logo Design

    Upperview Homes – Grandview Trail (North Oshawa Living)

    Excellence in Print Ad/Direct Mail Piece

    Upperview Homes – Grandview Trail (North Oshawa Living)

    Excellence in Sales Brochure Design

    COOLAID Studios – Y Towns

    Excellence in Signage

    Upperview Homes – Grandview Trail (North Oshawa Living)

    Excellence in Social Media

    Tribute Communities – Tribute Communities Corporate

    Excellence in Website Design

    A&R Developments

    On-Site Sales Presentation Awards:

    Excellence in Interior Decorating – Model Home/Suite

    Minto Communities Ontario with credit to RN Design Limited – Winchester, Ivy Ridge

    Excellence in New Homes Sales Office – Large Volume

    The Vogue Development Group – Vogue at Queens Common Sales Centre

    Excellence in New Homes Sales Office – Small Volume

    Upperview Homes – Grandview Trail (North Oshawa Living)

    New Home Design – Custom Built Awards:

    Excellence in Custom Built Bathroom Design

    Wiltshire Homes Canada – Westshore

    Excellence in Custom Built Kitchen Design

    Wiltshire Homes Canada – Annland

    Excellence in Custom Built Home (under 2500 sq. ft.)

    Andelwood Homes – Brooklin

    Excellence in Custom Built Home (2501-3500 sq. ft.)

    LCM Project Management and General Contracting – Hanover

    Excellence in Custom Built Home (3501-4500 sq. ft.) 

    RN Designs with credit to Colours & Concepts Inc. - Williamsberg Estate

    Excellence in Custom Built Homes (4501 sq. ft. and up)

    A&R Developments – Luxury Homes in Whitby

    RenoMark Home Renovator Awards:

    Excellence in Bathroom Renovation

    Accubuilt Construction Ltd. With credit Rocpal Custom Cabinets – Uxbridge Bathroom

    Excellence in Kitchen Renovation

    Accubuilt Construction Ltd. With credit to Rocpal Custom Cabinets – Raglan Kitchen

    Excellence in Home Renovation/Addition (under $100,000)

    Trademark Homes – Cochrane

    Excellence in Home Renovation/Addition ($100,001 - $250,000)

    Paradisaic Building Group – Law Addition

    Excellence in Home Renovation/Addition ($250,001 – $500,000)

    Accubuilt Construction Ltd. – Raglan Addition

    Excellence in Home Renovation/Addition ($500,001 and Up)

    Tribute Communities with credit to Cassidy + Company Residential Design Consultants – Westney Heritage

    New Home Design – Production Built Awards:

    Excellence in Mid-Rise Building Design

    Kiya Developments – Bloor Street West

    Excellence in Multi- Unit Suite Design

    Kiya Developments – Bloor Street

    Excellence in High-Rise Building Design

    Kiya Developments – Vipond

    Excellence in Production Built Bathroom Design

    Trademark Homes with credit to Rocpal Custom Cabinets, Pollard Windows & Doors Inc, Don and Son Building Supplies Limited – Nash

    Excellence in Production Built Kitchen Design

    Geranium with credit to RN Design Limited and Colours & Concepts Inc. – The Chesterman

    Excellence in Semi-Detached or Townhome OVER 2000 sq. ft.

    Tribute Communities with credit to Cassidy + Company Residential Design Consultants – Findlay

    Excellence in Semi-Detached or Townhome UNDER 2000 sq. ft.

    Tribute Communities with credit to Cassidy + Company Residential Design Consultants – Foster

    Excellence in Single 2001 sq. ft. to 3000 sq. ft.

    Trademark Homes – Nash

    Excellence in Single 3001 sq. ft. to 4000 sq. ft.

    Minto Communities Ontario with credit RN Design Limited – Kendalwood

    Outstanding Achievement Awards:

    Excellence in Training and Development

    Enbridge Gas Inc.

    Excellence in Workplace Safety

    Brookfield Residential

    Corporate Citizenship

    Enbridge Gas Inc.

    Trade of the Year

    The Fireside Group Inc.

    Supplier of the Year

    Reliance Home Comfort

    Renovator of the Year

    Accubuilt Construction Ltd.

    Green Builder of the Year

    Brookfield Residential

    Community of the Year

    Geranium with credit to RN Design Limited and Colours & Concepts Inc. – Courts of Canterbury

    Builder of the Year – Large Volume

    Minto Communities Ontario

    Builder of the Year – Small Volume

    Geranium with credit to RN Design Limited and Colours & Concepts Inc.

    The Durham Region Home Builders' Association is a non-profit association composed of home builders, renovators, trade contractors, suppliers and related professionals.  They have been an active voice for the residential construction industry in Durham Region for 65 years.  For more information, visit www.drhba.com.

    For a pdf copy of the above click here!

  • April 26, 2021 11:25 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    On Wednesday, April 21, 2021, the Town of Whitby with their consultants SGL Planning & Design Inc. hosted their first stakeholder session on the comprehensive zoning bylaw review.

    The presentation can be viewed here.

    Town staff and their consultants are looking for feedback on this file.  You can complete an online survey here between now and May 13, and register to attend their virtual Community Engagement Session on Wednesday, April 28 at 7 p.m.

    The goal of the comprehensive zoning bylaw review is to create new Town-wide Zoning Bylaw to manage land use and future development for all types of uses including residential, commercial, industrial and agricultural.  Specifically, the Town wants to create a bylaw that:

    • Reflects current zoning practices
    • Implements provincial and regional policy
    • Aligns with the Town's updated Official Plan, and
    • Is easy to read and understand

    A series of Phase I background reports have been completed and released and can be viewed here.

  • April 26, 2021 11:11 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Region of Durham is currently undertaking an amendment to their development charge bylaw and has released the Background Study.

    The amended rates reflect a $305 increase per single/semi-detached (less than 1%).

    The proposed rates are here:

    The public meeting is scheduled for May 26, 2021 and the amended bylaw will be considered by council on June 23, 2021.  

    The Region has also released the 2021 Regional Transit Development Charge Background Study and the 2021 GO Transit Development Charge Background Study.

    If you have any comments or concerns, please contact Stacey.

Follow Us on Social Media:  

Contact Us:

Phone: 905-579-8080

Email: info@drhba.com


1-1255 Terwillegar Avenue

Oshawa, Ontario

L1J 7A4

Copyright © 2019, Durham Region Home Builder's Association, All Rights Reserved
Durham Region Home Builders' Association is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. 1-1255 Terwillegar Avenue Oshawa, Ontario L1J 7A4

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