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  • May 06, 2022 10:10 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    At the April 25, 2022 Oshawa City Council meeting, council adopted the following recommendation of the Development Services Committee:

    "That pursuant to Report DS-22-78 dated April 6, 2022, Development Services staff be authorized to advance the Recommended Work Plan as generally described in Section 5.2 of said Report to respond to the legislative requirements of Bill 197 and associated amendments to Section 42 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P. 13, as amended, concerning consultation on alternative parkland dedication rates and the passing of a new parkland dedication by-law containing the alternative parkland dedication rates."

    A copy of By-law 91-2007 can be viewed on the City’s website using the following link: https://www.oshawa.ca/uploads/16/ParklandDedicationBy-law91-2007.pdf.

    If the City does not pass a parkland dedication by-law containing new alternative rates by September 18, 2022, the City will no longer be able to utilize alternative rates for parkland dedication. Rather, the City would only be able to use the rates stipulated in Subsection 42(1) of the Planning Act. In this regard, the rate for parkland dedication would be in an amount not exceeding, in the case of land proposed for development or redevelopment for commercial or industrial purposes, 2% and in all other cases 5% of the total land area.

    The City’s existing alternative parkland dedication rates are outlined in Sections 10, 10.1, 10.2, and 11 of Parkland Dedication By-law 91-2007 as follows:

    “10.  Notwithstanding paragraph 3, in the case of development or redevelopment of land for residential purposes, City Council may require the conveyance of land to the City for Park Purposes at a rate of one hectare for each 300 dwelling units proposed.

    10.1 Notwithstanding paragraph 3 and paragraph 10, in the case of development or redevelopment of land for residential purposes, City Council may require cash-in-lieu of the conveyance of land for Park Purposes at a rate of one hectare for each 500 dwelling units proposed.

    10.2 In the case of mixed commercial and residential development proposals subject to any of the rates in paragraphs 10 or 10.1, the rates shall be applied only to the residential component.

    11.   The rates specified in paragraph 10 and 10.1 may be applied to blocks within plans of subdivision in which these rates would yield a conveyance greater than five percent, provided such blocks are excluded from the calculation of the conveyance of land to be required in accordance with subparagraphs 3(a) and 3(b) of this by-law.”

    The City of Oshawa is seeking input on the existing alternative parkland dedication rates as outlined above. As noted in Report DS-22-78, it is the City’s intention to continue to use, from September 18, 2022 onward, these same alternative parkland dedication rates in the context of a new parkland dedication by-law once By-law 91-2007 expires on September 18, 2022. September 18, 2022 is the two (2) year expiration date enacted under Bill 197 for all existing municipal parkland dedication by-laws in the Province containing alternative parkland dedication rates.

    If you have comments on this matter, please contact Stacey.

  • May 06, 2022 10:09 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    OHBA members across Ontario are facing significant challenges given the ongoing strikes in residential construction. These strikes impact members, and ultimately homebuyers, with delays and escalating costs. Members have continued to work collaboratively with their labour partners to keep jobsites safe, while ensuring that we could continue to deliver on the dream of homeownership for families and individuals across Ontario.

    Members also continue to face numerous questions from home buyers and homeowners on why the construction or servicing of their home is delayed. Home buyers and homeowners should know why the services that our members provide are being delayed. OHBA is requesting that Tarion directly notify home buyers and owners of trade strikes that are ongoing and their impact on home construction services.

    Currently, OHBA has confirmed that the following sectors have begun strike activities.

    1.           Residential Framing (LiUNA 183)

    2.           High Rise Forming (LiUNA 183, 1059 and IUOE 793)

    3.           Tile – high and low rise (LiUNA 183)

    4.           Railings (LiUNA 183)

    5.           Self Levelling (LiUNA 183)

    6.           ICI Operating Engineers Provincial Agreement (IUOE local 793)

    7.           Hardwood and Carpet –LiUNA has declared a strike for some contractors

    Sharing information with respect to these strikes is an important step that Tarion can take to keep home buyers and homeowners aware of the factors impacting the construction or servicing of their most significant asset - their home. OHBA will continue to work proactively with our partner associations and Tarion to ensure our members and their clients have the most updated information on navigating the unavoidable delay process and everyone’s role within that.

  • May 04, 2022 12:58 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    On Friday, April 29, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing hosted an information session on the recently passed legislation, More Homes for Everyone Act, 2022.

    You can review the presentation here

  • May 03, 2022 5:32 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Today, the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development announced that the province would be re-investing in the OHBA Job Ready Program. This is an already highly successful program that introduces young people, and those seeking a career shift, to entry level opportunities available in the trades and more broadly within the residential construction sector.

    The Ontario Home Builders’ Association (OHBA) is excited to announce a continued provincial commitment to investing in workforce development and creating pathways for new entrants into the construction industry.

    “Our government has a plan to build a historic number of homes and make sure homeownership remains in reach for more families,” said Monte McNaughton, Minister of Labour, Training and Skills Development. “That is why we are investing in initiatives like the OHBA Job Ready program, which will ensure Ontario has the skilled workers to build the homes we need now, and for years to come.”

    The OHBA Job Ready program is receiving $2.99 million in funding from the Ontario Skills Development Fund. This investment will build on the foundational success of the OHBA Job Ready pilot program and enable further action to develop job-ready, safety-trained, entry-level workers for Ontario’s homebuilding industry.

    “Meeting the demand for housing in Ontario requires a diverse workforce that has the skills and experience to enable the province’s residential construction industry to build more homes,” says OHBA President Bob Schickedanz. “Building a construction workforce for the future requires new workers to gain the skills and hands-on experience that will make them an asset to construction industry employers.”

    The OHBA Job Ready program matches supportive employers with job seekers, expanding entry-level skills training and on-the-job learning. The program provides entry-level workers with exposure to the residential construction and renovation industries, creating a pipeline of workers with basic safety and skills training, on-the-job learning, and employment support to build a fulfilling career in our industry.

    The initial pilot program has drawn participation from over 250 job seekers – including over 40% from traditionally underrepresented groups in the construction industry such as women, youth, new Canadians, and Indigenous people. Approximately 100 Ontario residential construction employers have offered over 150 jobs for program participants, half of whom have found continued employment in the industry or will attend full-time education, often in the trades.  

    “With this investment building on in the success of the Job Ready pilot program, even more Ontarians will be connected to the on-the-job training and support to build a career in the residential construction industry.” says Monica Curtis, President & CEO, EnerQuality. “We’re meeting people where they are at, building on their transferable skills with training and mentorship, and securing great starter roles within industry. “Typical entry-level roles can include general construction labourer, renovation labourer, painter assistant, framers, carpenter helper, restoration technician, landscape installation trainee, cabinet maker assistant, site clerk, electrician helper, handyman, and flooring installer assistant.  

    In addition to general labour or pre-trade roles, the program will offer entry-level positions that can employ a broader range of job seekers with transferrable skills. This could include indoor jobs with builders in warranty work, décor centres, sales, contract management, homeowner liaison work, or other roles that provide exposure to the construction industry. 

    Employees will include new high school graduates and mid-career pivots. Participating employers include large production builders, smaller custom builders and the associated professional services and skilled trade contractors.

    This project is funded by Ontario’s Skills Development Fund, a more than $200 million initiative that supports innovative programs that connect job seekers with the skills and training they need to find well-paying careers close to home.

    For more information, check out the program information at OHBA Job Ready.

  • May 03, 2022 5:16 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Ontario Home Builders' Association (OHBA) is aware that there are specific trades within residential construction who were in a strike position beginning on Monday, May 2, as several collective agreements have expired this past weekend.  As of yesterday, the following trades are in a legal position to strike:

    • Residential Framing (LiUNA 183)
    • High Rise Forming (LiUNA 183, 1059 and IUOE 793)
    • Tile - high and low rise (LiUNA 183)
    • Railings (LiUNA 183)
    • Self Levelling (LiUNA 183)
    • ICI Operating Engineers Provincial Agreement (IUOE local 793) - this agreement is used in residential for activities including excavation, concrete pumps, etc.
    • Hardwood and Carpet - There is no pattern agreement, but LiUNA 183 has declared a strike for some contractors.

    Members should review the following notice from Tarion concerning these strikes and potential impacts on construction schedules.  Also, you can find resources from Tarion here, including:

    Please note that all builders must give the first notice indicating that they are experiencing an unavoidable delay within 20 days of being impacted by the unavoidable delay.  For clarity, this is not 20 days from the start of the strike, but 20 days from when the strike impacts your site.

    OHBA is working closely with Tarion and OHBA's partner associations to monitor the situation and identify potential impacts to the operations of members, and updates will be shared accordingly.

  • April 26, 2022 11:34 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    In the early release of Report: Envision Durham - Growth Management Study Land Need Assessment - Staff Recommendation on Land Need Scenarios, staff at the Region of Durham have recommended that the Community Area Land Need Scenario 4 be endorsed.

    Scenario 4 includes:

    • an intensification rate of 50%;
    • an overall Designated Greenfield Area density target of 60 people and jobs per hectare by 2051; 
    • a unit mix consisting of 28% low density units, 28% medium density units, 41% high density units, and 3% secondary units;
    • an additional Community Area urban land need of 950 hectares (2,348 acres).

    This report is being brought to the May 3 Planning and Economic Development Committee meeting.  The meeting will be held at 9:30 a.m.

  • April 26, 2022 11:29 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Town of Whitby has endorsed Scenario 3 for the Region of Durham's Land Needs Assessment.  At the April 11, 2022 Council meeting, carried report PDP 23-22, with the following amendment:

    "That the Built Boundary, which was established in 2006, be expanded/adjusted proportionate to any greenfield expansion to ensure that intensification within the Built Boundary is reasonable and respectful to the historic areas and mature neighbourhoods within the existing Built Boundary."

  • April 26, 2022 11:05 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    At the April 25, 2022 Planning & Development Committee meeting, Clarington councilliors passed staff report PDS-021-22, which recommends Scenario 2 for the Region of Durham's Land Needs Assessment.

    In the report, the comments and recommendations from staff also included:

    • Staff encourages the Region to release the population forecast, as well as unit mix and intensification and DGA density targets for Clarington and the other municipalities before selecting a land use scenario for the whole Region. This would allow the Municipality to appropriately assess the implications of the Scenario for our municipality.
    • If the forecasts are not released before selecting a Scenario, staff supports existing Scenario #2 for Clarington. Staff support a modified Scenario #2 for the Region as a whole. Setting the intensification rate at 50% with the understanding that some of the lower tier municipalities like Clarington, could be assigned a lower level of intensification (35-40%) which is in line with existing Scenario 2.
    • Staff also request that any land use scenario selected by the Region allow for flexible implementation at the local level. In the case of Clarington, once we have the final Regional forecast for the Municipality, local staff require the ability to distribute the population and employment forecasts among Courtice, Bowmanville, Newcastle, Orono, and the rural areas, a unique case in the Region.
    • Staff recommend that specific urban boundary expansions, including a determination of the total land need, not be considered until after there is agreement between the municipalities and the Region on the population and employment forecasts, housing unit mix and the intensification ratio.
    • The chosen Land Needs Scenario will also impact the Community Services Department. Thus, to best respond to the increase in expected population, Clarington’s Community Services Department will seek funding approval for the completion of a comprehensive Community Services Strategic Plan as part of the 2023 Budget cycle. This Strategic Plan will take into consideration any new population growth/demographics, will update trends in recreation and leisure future needs, and will re-assess what additional indoor facilities will be needed, all with a planning view out to 2051.

    This report will be going to council for approval on Monday, May 2, 2022.

  • April 26, 2022 10:58 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing will be hosting an information on the More Homes for Everyone Act, 2022 on Friday, April 29 from 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.  

    The information session is open to all members.  The session will begin with introductory remarks, followed by a presentation on Bill 109, discussion and wrap up.

    Register Here.

  • April 17, 2022 5:08 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    At the March 23, 2022 Regional Council meeting, council voted in favour of authorizing staff to undertake a comprehensive review and passage of a new Regional residential and non-residential development charge bylaw.

    Details can be found in Report 2022-F-9.

    Contained in the report are the schedule of dates for the Region of Durham DC Review, which are as follows:

     Background Development Charge Review April 2022 - February 2023 
     Consultation with development industry, chambers of commerce and AM September - February 2023 
     Public Meeting Notice placed in newspapers  By March 1, 2023 
     Release of Background Study and proposed bylaw March 7, 2023 
     Public Meeting of Council March 22, 2023 
     Input from public, local development industry and area municipalities March - April 2023 
     Final date for public comment April 21, 2023 
     Finance & Administration Committee Review of final bylaw May 9, 2023 
     Regional Council consideration of final bylaw May 24, 2023
     Implementation of new DC bylaw July 1, 2023 

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1-1255 Terwillegar Avenue

Oshawa, Ontario

L1J 7A4

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Durham Region Home Builders' Association is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. 1-1255 Terwillegar Avenue Oshawa, Ontario L1J 7A4

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