The City’s existing Tree Protection By-law 6108/03, as amended by By-laws 6191/03 and 7007/09, currently only applies to “environmentally sensitive lands”, as identified in the screening area on the current By-law Schedule. Some of the “environmentally sensitive lands” are on private property, but the vast majority of privately-owned lands are not identified as part of the screening area on the By-law Schedule. The purpose of the Tree Protection By-law Update, would be to extend tree regulation to all of Pickering, by capturing trees on private properties as well.
Having had a soft launch in Spring of this year, a Status Report regarding the Tree Protection By-law update was sent to Council on June 5th, 2023 to provide an update to what has taken place thus far. The City is now looking for feedback on the content of the proposed new Tree Protection By-law. This is an important opportunity for communities, organizations, businesses and professionals to review and comment on the proposed new Tree Protection By-law.
You are invited to join their Virtual Meeting on Wednesday July 5th, 2023 from 6:00pm to 7:00 pm. Please consider the proposed new Tree Protection By-law for your review, and the link at the bottom of this email to register for the virtual meeting.
For more information on the City’s Tree Protection By-law and engagement activities, please visit the project website at:
A second on-line survey will also be active on the project website from June 26th – July 14th, 2023 to garner more feedback.
To register for the upcoming Virtual Stakeholder Meeting, please follow the link below:,fO-x2k1BtUuDPLV09uunnQ,kFiZPVvEy0uKWVR-mSTa3A,pNN4uDmRVkaCrHlgqtMEkQ,C-kAYX4FGEmctam9M3kfng,ed-mDjeTaUy6BuVM6qROuQ?mode=read&tenantId=80cb49b5-86d0-4fc4-b220-9dd007972617