The Regional Municipality of Durham (Region) is initiating a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) Study to plan for the sanitary sewerage servicing needs of the Beaverton Employment Area, identify and review various alternative sites for the SSPS, and ultimately select a preferred alternative to allow for existing non-serviced areas to be serviced plus future growth of the Beaverton community.
Currently the Employment Area is largely undeveloped and has no sanitary sewer collection system, rather existing development relies on private sewage systems.
The geographic area of interest is outlined in the Notice of Study Commencement. As indicated in the attached Notice of Study Commencement, first published in local newspapers as well as posted on the Region’s website on June 15, 2023, the Region is undertaking this study following the planning and design process for Schedule “B” projects as described in the MCEA Document (as amended 2023).
Public consultation is a key component of this Class EA and there will be forthcoming opportunities for agencies and the public to review study information and to provide input. The Region wanted to ensure you were aware of this Class EA being undertaken.
If you would like to be placed on the mailing list to receive all future notices relating to this Class EA, please send your contact information to either one of the listed study team members found on the attached Notice of Study Commencement. If you require additional information or would like to discuss this project, please do not hesitate to contact Kelly Murphy by telephone (905-668-4113, ext. 3370) or by email (