The Region of Durham has released the draft new Regional Official Plan (ROP), which is culmination of work completed through Envision Durham, the Municipal Comprehensive Review (MCR) of Durham's ROP.
The draft new ROP addresses a wide variety of strategic land use planning and development matters. Envision Durham also represents the Region's provincially mandated exercise to ensure that the ROP conforms with provincial plans or does not conflict with them; has regard to matters of provincial interest; and is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement.
Once adopted by Regional Council, the amendment will be submitted to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval under Sections 17 and 26 of the Planning Act, RSO 1990.
In addition, the Region has released draft mapping for the new ROP:
The deadline for comments on the draft ROP and the maps is April 3, 2023.
A public open house will be held on March 6 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the main atrium at the Durham Regional Headquarters at 605 Rossland Road East in Whitby.
If you have any comments, questions or concerns, please contact Stacey.